Hi, I have worked in the field of counselling and coaching for some time now, and I am always
amazed at the God given ability we humans have to improve our lives for the better. There
has been great philosophical debate throughout the centuries, as to 'why we are here', and
'what life is about'. In simple terms, people of all walks of life have fundamentally come to the
same conclusion. That is, we are here to make what we can of life, to lead meaningful
relationships, to reproduce, and master areas of our own choice. Happiness is an achievement
we can come to know and love, through improving our thoughts and beliefs about the world
and each other.
Maybe you are reading this topic because you wish to improve your own self esteem, if so I am
quite sure the things you shall learn about will help you greatly. Maybe you are reading this
topic because you have things going on in your life which you are struggling with. If this is the
case then please do read on, as I know the ideas you will get from this topic will have some
benefit to you both emotionally and psychologically. Or, maybe you are reading this topic
because you want to feel better today. While I can not promise immediate relief from inner
burdens, I can ensure you that if you are to take some of the ideas in this topic and practice
them like you would a hobby, self esteem will happen for you
amazed at the God given ability we humans have to improve our lives for the better. There
has been great philosophical debate throughout the centuries, as to 'why we are here', and
'what life is about'. In simple terms, people of all walks of life have fundamentally come to the
same conclusion. That is, we are here to make what we can of life, to lead meaningful
relationships, to reproduce, and master areas of our own choice. Happiness is an achievement
we can come to know and love, through improving our thoughts and beliefs about the world
and each other.
Maybe you are reading this topic because you wish to improve your own self esteem, if so I am
quite sure the things you shall learn about will help you greatly. Maybe you are reading this
topic because you have things going on in your life which you are struggling with. If this is the
case then please do read on, as I know the ideas you will get from this topic will have some
benefit to you both emotionally and psychologically. Or, maybe you are reading this topic
because you want to feel better today. While I can not promise immediate relief from inner
burdens, I can ensure you that if you are to take some of the ideas in this topic and practice
them like you would a hobby, self esteem will happen for you

So. . . . What Is Self Esteem?
Put simply, self esteem is a person's own evaluation of themselves psychologically, emotionally,
physically, and spiritually. Self esteem is mainly about the worth we give ourselves, how much
we like ourselves, and how well we feel about ourselves. Self esteem is something we have
internalized over time, and has often been influenced by other sources such as friends, family,
and any significant other figures in our lives. If a person is told that they are 'not good
enough' over a certain period of time by a close one; or colleague; or teacher for example; it is
likely this person will to some extent have believed the criticism as 'truth'. We can often be
tricked into thinking rich and successful people have undoubtedly got the highest levels of self
esteem. This however is an illusion. Our lives can be broken down into different categories
and, while career; wealth; and status are three particular categories; self esteem may be
lacking in family, relationship, and health categories for example. We are all human, so it
follows that our self esteem will fluctuate throughout the different changes and challenges we
So. . . . Why Is Self Esteem Important?
Self esteem is important because it gives you the piece of mind you need to appreciate your
own life and the lives of others. Self esteem, brings a person joy; confidence; well being; and
wholeness. A person with a good level of self esteem, has the ability to live life joyfully
regardless of set backs. The good news is, improving self esteem is easy when a person realizes
that she/he can take responsibility over there own thoughts feelings and behaviors. Improving
self esteem is as easy as taking up a small hobby such as reading. Learning to do self esteem
enhancing exercises will lead you toward a better and happier life.
And. . . . How Do I begin To Improve My Self?
You can simply begin today to work through some of the ideas and exercises listed in this
topic. Some of them might be more appealing to you than others (After all we are all different)
as you read through the information, become aware of how what you are learning you can
incorporate into your own life. Be sure to try to relax, there is no need to be anxious about the
exercises. If you do feel a little anxious though, remember that this is only because you want
what's best for yourself (in this case building self esteem as best you can). Throughout this
topic, relaxation will be a core message which will undoubtedly lead you to becoming more
self aware and at peace with yourself. Please note, this topic is only aimed as a complimentary
therapy, and if you are suffering with a medical condition, you might wish to consult a Doctor
who could direct you to a relevant source of her/his recommendation.
Tip 1 Access The Power Of Your
Subconscious Mind “You effect the unconscious mind through verbal
repetition” Clement Stone
Most people go through life without having any knowledge of an amazing intelligence born in to us
all as a precious gift, which allows us to use our minds to create what we want. Our conscious
minds are involved in processing our conscious thoughts through our sensory perceptive systems.
What ever we touch, feel, smell, taste, see, or hear will be processed through our conscious minds.
So while eating a favorite food we are consciously aware that the food tastes nice, and we begin to
tell our subconscious mind how wonderful the food is by continually affirming it verbally, and
So, in simple terms, one sure way to increase self esteem which has been proven to work, is to
continually practice verbal affirmations which lead our subconscious minds into happiness. Now. . .
lets think about this logically and simply. Low self esteem is a result of the subconscious mind
being fed with negative and defeating beliefs such as: I CAN'T, I'M USELESS, I WILL NEVER
The subconscious mind is all powerful, it is working while we are asleep and awake. It is designed
for us to lead satisfying lives, and has been responsible for the great creations of mankind.
However, far too many of us, struggling in our day to day lives have not come to understand how
we can use it for it's good. And. . . believe me, the subconscious mind is amazing in ensuring our
well being in body, mind and soul. It is responsible for all unconscious processes such as heart beat
and hair growth. It heals our wounds, reproduces our cells, and grants us unlimited creativity.
So, here is the key to improving self esteem through the subconscious mind. Follow my instruction,
personalize it to your own needs, practice the exercise daily, twice daily, or thrice daily and notice
great results:
● Find a quiet place to relax alone, a comfy space where you are not likely to be disturbed.
Do not try this exercise while driving or operating machinery.
● Sit or lie comfortably, and if possible set the scene with some nice quiet relaxation music
(there is loads on the internet).
● Focus on your breathing, breath through the diaphragm by pumping your tummy out like a
balloon as you breath in, holding it for five seconds, then breathing out again, do this
● Visualize being on a nice beach with sunshine beating down, and notice how relaxed you
are. Be aware still of your breathing and its calming effect on your body.
● Repeat the following words “ I'm feeling good, I feel relaxed, I like myself in all situations”
repeat this ten times as a kind of lullaby.
● Step six: repeat the following words “ My joy is within me, I like myself in every way, I'm
● repeat this ten times as a lullaby. Create new and personal affirmations for your mind..
Always remember the infinite wisdom of the subconscious mind is a source of divine energy which
can be tapped into at any time. Always feed your subconscious mind with positive healthy thoughts
by affirming positive phrases. Likewise create nice vivid images in your mind of beautiful scenes,
look regularly at sunsets, clouds, trees, and lakes or rivers. These images are great for the mind!!
Put simply, self esteem is a person's own evaluation of themselves psychologically, emotionally,
physically, and spiritually. Self esteem is mainly about the worth we give ourselves, how much
we like ourselves, and how well we feel about ourselves. Self esteem is something we have
internalized over time, and has often been influenced by other sources such as friends, family,
and any significant other figures in our lives. If a person is told that they are 'not good
enough' over a certain period of time by a close one; or colleague; or teacher for example; it is
likely this person will to some extent have believed the criticism as 'truth'. We can often be
tricked into thinking rich and successful people have undoubtedly got the highest levels of self
esteem. This however is an illusion. Our lives can be broken down into different categories
and, while career; wealth; and status are three particular categories; self esteem may be
lacking in family, relationship, and health categories for example. We are all human, so it
follows that our self esteem will fluctuate throughout the different changes and challenges we
So. . . . Why Is Self Esteem Important?
Self esteem is important because it gives you the piece of mind you need to appreciate your
own life and the lives of others. Self esteem, brings a person joy; confidence; well being; and
wholeness. A person with a good level of self esteem, has the ability to live life joyfully
regardless of set backs. The good news is, improving self esteem is easy when a person realizes
that she/he can take responsibility over there own thoughts feelings and behaviors. Improving
self esteem is as easy as taking up a small hobby such as reading. Learning to do self esteem
enhancing exercises will lead you toward a better and happier life.
And. . . . How Do I begin To Improve My Self?
You can simply begin today to work through some of the ideas and exercises listed in this
topic. Some of them might be more appealing to you than others (After all we are all different)
as you read through the information, become aware of how what you are learning you can
incorporate into your own life. Be sure to try to relax, there is no need to be anxious about the
exercises. If you do feel a little anxious though, remember that this is only because you want
what's best for yourself (in this case building self esteem as best you can). Throughout this
topic, relaxation will be a core message which will undoubtedly lead you to becoming more
self aware and at peace with yourself. Please note, this topic is only aimed as a complimentary
therapy, and if you are suffering with a medical condition, you might wish to consult a Doctor
who could direct you to a relevant source of her/his recommendation.
Tip 1 Access The Power Of Your
Subconscious Mind “You effect the unconscious mind through verbal
repetition” Clement Stone
Most people go through life without having any knowledge of an amazing intelligence born in to us
all as a precious gift, which allows us to use our minds to create what we want. Our conscious
minds are involved in processing our conscious thoughts through our sensory perceptive systems.
What ever we touch, feel, smell, taste, see, or hear will be processed through our conscious minds.
So while eating a favorite food we are consciously aware that the food tastes nice, and we begin to
tell our subconscious mind how wonderful the food is by continually affirming it verbally, and
So, in simple terms, one sure way to increase self esteem which has been proven to work, is to
continually practice verbal affirmations which lead our subconscious minds into happiness. Now. . .
lets think about this logically and simply. Low self esteem is a result of the subconscious mind
being fed with negative and defeating beliefs such as: I CAN'T, I'M USELESS, I WILL NEVER
The subconscious mind is all powerful, it is working while we are asleep and awake. It is designed
for us to lead satisfying lives, and has been responsible for the great creations of mankind.
However, far too many of us, struggling in our day to day lives have not come to understand how
we can use it for it's good. And. . . believe me, the subconscious mind is amazing in ensuring our
well being in body, mind and soul. It is responsible for all unconscious processes such as heart beat
and hair growth. It heals our wounds, reproduces our cells, and grants us unlimited creativity.
So, here is the key to improving self esteem through the subconscious mind. Follow my instruction,
personalize it to your own needs, practice the exercise daily, twice daily, or thrice daily and notice
great results:
● Find a quiet place to relax alone, a comfy space where you are not likely to be disturbed.
Do not try this exercise while driving or operating machinery.
● Sit or lie comfortably, and if possible set the scene with some nice quiet relaxation music
(there is loads on the internet).
● Focus on your breathing, breath through the diaphragm by pumping your tummy out like a
balloon as you breath in, holding it for five seconds, then breathing out again, do this
● Visualize being on a nice beach with sunshine beating down, and notice how relaxed you
are. Be aware still of your breathing and its calming effect on your body.
● Repeat the following words “ I'm feeling good, I feel relaxed, I like myself in all situations”
repeat this ten times as a kind of lullaby.
● Step six: repeat the following words “ My joy is within me, I like myself in every way, I'm
● repeat this ten times as a lullaby. Create new and personal affirmations for your mind..
Always remember the infinite wisdom of the subconscious mind is a source of divine energy which
can be tapped into at any time. Always feed your subconscious mind with positive healthy thoughts
by affirming positive phrases. Likewise create nice vivid images in your mind of beautiful scenes,
look regularly at sunsets, clouds, trees, and lakes or rivers. These images are great for the mind!!
Tip 2 Practice The Art Of Good Deeds, Good
Find's Good. “Goodness Is The Only Investment That Never Fails” Thoreau
Many of us, lose track of feeling good about ourselves, because we lead busy demanding lifestyles.
Some of us are that busy doing things for others that we end up feeling burnt out an unappreciated.
Some of us, are that busy trying to meet a deadline or finish a project, that we lose valuable time
with family and friends. Then there are some of us, who are so burdened with current worries,
problems, and setbacks, that we seem to lack in appreciation of ourselves and who we really are.
Self esteem can reach different points in different areas of our lives, and is a very internal concept.
By this I mean that we might try hard to create an image of ourselves as having great esteem, when
really inside we are aware of quite the contrary. Take for example a look at our Hollywood stars, or
indeed our great British pop idols. In this current age of multi media, some of us actually find
entertainment in noticing the unhappiness in these rich successful stars. The truth is, self esteem has
nothing to do with what we have physically, or materially, but is more to do with what is going on
in our hearts and minds.
If you want to start feeling good in your life START BY INWARDLY CREATING SOME
I don't want this to sound daunting, or too much like hard work, and, I'm not asking you to become
a miracle worker. To embark on this new mini project, we simply set ourselves some small
achievable tasks which hold the same end result YOU WILL FEEL GOOD!
Here is what I did when I embarked on this mini project for the first time. I was reluctant to to try it,
but believe me the end result was amazing. My self esteem went 'through the roof' and I felt great.
My Plan was as follows. . . . please create your own. Three good things a day will suffice (oh. . .
and don't tell anybody about your good deeds!)
● Exchange greetings with a stranger, comment on what a beautiful day it is
● Pay a friend/colleague a compliment on how well they look today (and mean it)
● Take a bag of goods to a local charity shop and don't tell anyone (this is important)
● Pick litter up on the local play area where my son plays regularly
● Empathize with the lady in the shop who is going through a rocky divorce
● Congratulate the next door neighbor who just found a job.
● Smile at passer by who you find particularly attractive.
Please, only see my action plan as something I needed to do to create some 'goodness' in my life,
the idea is for you to recognize that you can incorporate small and simple things into your own life,
to create inner feelings of self worth. It can be as simple as offering a warm smile to a passer by,
thanking a shopkeeper for a kind service, or picking up the phone and telling a distant relative that
you miss them. Start now creating goodness! And enjoy the results. And. . . . remember to tap into
your subconscious mind, by becoming relaxed and asking it to provide you with the means to create
new ideas around 'good' things.
Find's Good. “Goodness Is The Only Investment That Never Fails” Thoreau
Many of us, lose track of feeling good about ourselves, because we lead busy demanding lifestyles.
Some of us are that busy doing things for others that we end up feeling burnt out an unappreciated.
Some of us, are that busy trying to meet a deadline or finish a project, that we lose valuable time
with family and friends. Then there are some of us, who are so burdened with current worries,
problems, and setbacks, that we seem to lack in appreciation of ourselves and who we really are.
Self esteem can reach different points in different areas of our lives, and is a very internal concept.
By this I mean that we might try hard to create an image of ourselves as having great esteem, when
really inside we are aware of quite the contrary. Take for example a look at our Hollywood stars, or
indeed our great British pop idols. In this current age of multi media, some of us actually find
entertainment in noticing the unhappiness in these rich successful stars. The truth is, self esteem has
nothing to do with what we have physically, or materially, but is more to do with what is going on
in our hearts and minds.
If you want to start feeling good in your life START BY INWARDLY CREATING SOME
I don't want this to sound daunting, or too much like hard work, and, I'm not asking you to become
a miracle worker. To embark on this new mini project, we simply set ourselves some small
achievable tasks which hold the same end result YOU WILL FEEL GOOD!
Here is what I did when I embarked on this mini project for the first time. I was reluctant to to try it,
but believe me the end result was amazing. My self esteem went 'through the roof' and I felt great.
My Plan was as follows. . . . please create your own. Three good things a day will suffice (oh. . .
and don't tell anybody about your good deeds!)
● Exchange greetings with a stranger, comment on what a beautiful day it is
● Pay a friend/colleague a compliment on how well they look today (and mean it)
● Take a bag of goods to a local charity shop and don't tell anyone (this is important)
● Pick litter up on the local play area where my son plays regularly
● Empathize with the lady in the shop who is going through a rocky divorce
● Congratulate the next door neighbor who just found a job.
● Smile at passer by who you find particularly attractive.
Please, only see my action plan as something I needed to do to create some 'goodness' in my life,
the idea is for you to recognize that you can incorporate small and simple things into your own life,
to create inner feelings of self worth. It can be as simple as offering a warm smile to a passer by,
thanking a shopkeeper for a kind service, or picking up the phone and telling a distant relative that
you miss them. Start now creating goodness! And enjoy the results. And. . . . remember to tap into
your subconscious mind, by becoming relaxed and asking it to provide you with the means to create
new ideas around 'good' things.
Tip 3 Activate Your Positive Chemicals.
Think And Feel Better. “Movement is a medicine for creating change
in a person's physical, emotional, and mental states” Carol Welch.
You are probably well aware of the term 'endorphin' which relates to our amazing process of
creating natural innate opiates as a result of doing a physical activity we enjoy. We all have within
us this ability to produce positive chemicals in our minds which will lead us to a great sense of
serenity and joy.
The foods we eat and the drinks we consume also have an effect on the way we feel. However, for
many of us, the thought of eating lot's of healthy vegetables, fish, and wholegrain foods seems more
of a burden than a pleasure. Likewise, to many of us, the thought of engaging in some good
physical exercise seems daunting and overwhelming. However this needn't be the reality.
If you are not getting any regular exercise, start to list down on a piece of paper some activities you
could start doing lightly. This does not have to be a costly affair, It also does not have to take up a
great deal of your time. It does however, have to be something you can realistically achieve. Your
self esteem levels will immediately soar, as you embark on a small physical activity which you
can achieve.
To the beginner, the activity could be something as simple as taking a walk around the block. If you
are lucky enough to have a safe, populated park nearby, you could also consider listening to a
personal stereo. This needs to be risk assessed however. It is more safe and sensible to exercise
while listening to music, in a light, safe place such as a gym, or a staffed park. Music and exercise
bring more vibration to your own natural rhythm. This can have a profound effect on your mental
and physical response which is highly influenced by a rush of endorphins.
Please do not be put off by the thought of exercise as a means to building your self esteem. There
are some of us who can not physically walk or do any form of physical exercise, due to sickness or
disability. However, finding something which enables you to be creative in someway is also a
means to get in touch with those positive chemicals which will lead to higher levels of self esteem.
Follow these steps in creating achievable self esteem boosting activities:
● Pick an activity of your choice, anything which you feel interested in or passionate about
which is achievable for example: walking;jogging;writing;painting;cooking;music
● Carry out some research on your chosen activity, visit places where you can practice your
activity, use the local library/internet for tips on improving your activity
● talk to like minded people who enjoy the same activity as you.
● Use your chosen activity as your own bit of space, notice the positive responses you
experience while doing the activity.
● Increase the frequency of the activity, make it a priority and a common habit, by doing this,
higher self esteem will become a common response
Once you come to understand the simplicity of boosting your own self esteem by practicing
activities which help you to feel good, you will gain a greater sense of self. The key is to start small
and reward yourself accordingly. Whether you have walked the block; or written a poem; run a
marathon or climbed a mountain, be sure to reward yourself with something you deserve.
Think And Feel Better. “Movement is a medicine for creating change
in a person's physical, emotional, and mental states” Carol Welch.
You are probably well aware of the term 'endorphin' which relates to our amazing process of
creating natural innate opiates as a result of doing a physical activity we enjoy. We all have within
us this ability to produce positive chemicals in our minds which will lead us to a great sense of
serenity and joy.
The foods we eat and the drinks we consume also have an effect on the way we feel. However, for
many of us, the thought of eating lot's of healthy vegetables, fish, and wholegrain foods seems more
of a burden than a pleasure. Likewise, to many of us, the thought of engaging in some good
physical exercise seems daunting and overwhelming. However this needn't be the reality.
If you are not getting any regular exercise, start to list down on a piece of paper some activities you
could start doing lightly. This does not have to be a costly affair, It also does not have to take up a
great deal of your time. It does however, have to be something you can realistically achieve. Your
self esteem levels will immediately soar, as you embark on a small physical activity which you
can achieve.
To the beginner, the activity could be something as simple as taking a walk around the block. If you
are lucky enough to have a safe, populated park nearby, you could also consider listening to a
personal stereo. This needs to be risk assessed however. It is more safe and sensible to exercise
while listening to music, in a light, safe place such as a gym, or a staffed park. Music and exercise
bring more vibration to your own natural rhythm. This can have a profound effect on your mental
and physical response which is highly influenced by a rush of endorphins.
Please do not be put off by the thought of exercise as a means to building your self esteem. There
are some of us who can not physically walk or do any form of physical exercise, due to sickness or
disability. However, finding something which enables you to be creative in someway is also a
means to get in touch with those positive chemicals which will lead to higher levels of self esteem.
Follow these steps in creating achievable self esteem boosting activities:
● Pick an activity of your choice, anything which you feel interested in or passionate about
which is achievable for example: walking;jogging;writing;painting;cooking;music
● Carry out some research on your chosen activity, visit places where you can practice your
activity, use the local library/internet for tips on improving your activity
● talk to like minded people who enjoy the same activity as you.
● Use your chosen activity as your own bit of space, notice the positive responses you
experience while doing the activity.
● Increase the frequency of the activity, make it a priority and a common habit, by doing this,
higher self esteem will become a common response
Once you come to understand the simplicity of boosting your own self esteem by practicing
activities which help you to feel good, you will gain a greater sense of self. The key is to start small
and reward yourself accordingly. Whether you have walked the block; or written a poem; run a
marathon or climbed a mountain, be sure to reward yourself with something you deserve.
Tip 4 Develop An Attitude Of Gratitude
“To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live
gratitude is to touch heaven” Johannes A Gaertner.
Ask yourself the question “How grateful am I?” and then listen to yourself being as truthful as you
can. Having worked with many wonderful clients over the years, many have struggled to list ten
things they could be grateful for in their lives. So, I challenge you right now. Take a pen and some
paper and jot down ten things you really have to be grateful for, these could be things from the past
or the present. How easy is it for you to do this exercise? Did the ten things come to you
immediately, or, did you struggle consciously recollecting them?
Gratitude and being thankful for what we have, what we love, our special gifts both materially and
spiritually, is a positive attitude which has an amazing effect on our level of self esteem. The truth
of the matter is, you do have something to be grateful for if you will be open enough to allow it.
Many of us have a human tendency to focus hard on what we don't like in our lives, we are
determined to dwell on things which cause us anger, hostility, frustration, and shame. Much of this
can be to do with our past experiences. We have been so overwhelmed by something 'bad' which
happened in our earlier days, that we continually tarnish our current experience with negativity.
When you decide to be grateful for the things you have, you are making a conscious decision to like
and appreciate these things. This immediately evokes a sense of joy and contentment which will add
to your measure of self esteem. Many of us take for granted the beauty of a day, the blessing of
good health, strengths and attributes, loved ones, material possessions, and the free will to choose
our own life path.
Many of us take for granted the flow of running water, heated homes, comfy beds, and an endless
supply of the foods of our choice. The Victorians would be a very confused people if they were to
glance into their future and see mankind in this twenty first century. They would see our advanced
technology, our abundance of nice foods and clothes, an elaborate welfare state, and cures to many
killer diseases. Then they would see alongside these great things, the doom and gloom, the tension
and stress, and the general pessimism of the today's people.
Being grateful about the little things in your life is the start to creating a greater sense of inner
gratitude which will lead to greater self esteem. To many, it will seem like an unusual concept, to
some it will seem abnormal. Many choose to be ungrateful and meet with frustration, want, and
discontentment. You can begin right now to develop an attitude of gratitude:
● As day dawns or night draws in, look to the skies and their beauty. Look at the trees and the
different colors and in your mind say thank you for the day. Use your heart to really express
the gratitude, take deep breaths and relax into the gratitude
● Think about a loved one and the imprint they have had on your life, those happy times, their
unique character and beauty. In your mind say thank you for this person. E.g “I'm so grateful
for Fred and the laughter he gives me so often”
● Think about your 47 inch LCD television with Dolby surround. Think of the impact this has
on your enjoyment of films and programmes. Start to say thanks for the great quality of
picture and sound you regularly experience.
● Think about a difficult time when you were unsure how things were going to pan out. A time
where you felt all alone. Be grateful for the fact you came through it and the strength you
have now gained as a result
● Be grateful for the small things, a friendly greeting from a stranger, the peace of a nice quiet
place, a new person who has come into your life, or the relief of a person who has left .
gratitude is to touch heaven” Johannes A Gaertner.
Ask yourself the question “How grateful am I?” and then listen to yourself being as truthful as you
can. Having worked with many wonderful clients over the years, many have struggled to list ten
things they could be grateful for in their lives. So, I challenge you right now. Take a pen and some
paper and jot down ten things you really have to be grateful for, these could be things from the past
or the present. How easy is it for you to do this exercise? Did the ten things come to you
immediately, or, did you struggle consciously recollecting them?
Gratitude and being thankful for what we have, what we love, our special gifts both materially and
spiritually, is a positive attitude which has an amazing effect on our level of self esteem. The truth
of the matter is, you do have something to be grateful for if you will be open enough to allow it.
Many of us have a human tendency to focus hard on what we don't like in our lives, we are
determined to dwell on things which cause us anger, hostility, frustration, and shame. Much of this
can be to do with our past experiences. We have been so overwhelmed by something 'bad' which
happened in our earlier days, that we continually tarnish our current experience with negativity.
When you decide to be grateful for the things you have, you are making a conscious decision to like
and appreciate these things. This immediately evokes a sense of joy and contentment which will add
to your measure of self esteem. Many of us take for granted the beauty of a day, the blessing of
good health, strengths and attributes, loved ones, material possessions, and the free will to choose
our own life path.
Many of us take for granted the flow of running water, heated homes, comfy beds, and an endless
supply of the foods of our choice. The Victorians would be a very confused people if they were to
glance into their future and see mankind in this twenty first century. They would see our advanced
technology, our abundance of nice foods and clothes, an elaborate welfare state, and cures to many
killer diseases. Then they would see alongside these great things, the doom and gloom, the tension
and stress, and the general pessimism of the today's people.
Being grateful about the little things in your life is the start to creating a greater sense of inner
gratitude which will lead to greater self esteem. To many, it will seem like an unusual concept, to
some it will seem abnormal. Many choose to be ungrateful and meet with frustration, want, and
discontentment. You can begin right now to develop an attitude of gratitude:
● As day dawns or night draws in, look to the skies and their beauty. Look at the trees and the
different colors and in your mind say thank you for the day. Use your heart to really express
the gratitude, take deep breaths and relax into the gratitude
● Think about a loved one and the imprint they have had on your life, those happy times, their
unique character and beauty. In your mind say thank you for this person. E.g “I'm so grateful
for Fred and the laughter he gives me so often”
● Think about your 47 inch LCD television with Dolby surround. Think of the impact this has
on your enjoyment of films and programmes. Start to say thanks for the great quality of
picture and sound you regularly experience.
● Think about a difficult time when you were unsure how things were going to pan out. A time
where you felt all alone. Be grateful for the fact you came through it and the strength you
have now gained as a result
● Be grateful for the small things, a friendly greeting from a stranger, the peace of a nice quiet
place, a new person who has come into your life, or the relief of a person who has left .
Tip 5 Visualize Your Way To Self Esteem
“Visualize the thing that you want, see it, feel it, believe in it, mark your mental blue print, and
begin to build” Robert Collier
Are you aware of the power of your mind and nervous system? Did you know you have the ability
to experience anything you wish to just by visualizing. Well, to start with then, close your eyes and
imagine standing in front of a rose garden, as you look at the roses you can see their vivid colors,
smell their fragrant smells, and feel a summer breeze. So. . . how was that? Did you find the colors
came easily, the fragrance easily, and the feel of the summer breeze quite real? If you did, you have
just proven to yourself that you can create any experience you want by using your own mind. If you
did not find it so easy, do not be disheartened. Visualization is a skill which can be learned by us all,
and gets easier and easier the more we practice it.
It is important to learn to get into relaxed states of consciousness when visualizing. A nice quiet
place in a safe environment is key. Many of us again, have a tendency to visualize on negative
things, which is not good for us, as we immediately experience the feelings and emotions we attach
to those negative things. Some of us wake up in the morning in a state of fear, dread, frustration, or
fatigue. The very thought of a new day can seem like quite a burden. Some of us wish the day had
ended before it began. Ever had that? I know I have had many a waking experience like this. The
Lets think about this for a moment. Can anybody else influence the way you choose to think and
feel? Can your boss decide how you will think and feel? Can your friend? Can your enemy? Can a
Hollywood movie star? I'm going to ask this question in a similar way now: Do you let anybody
else influence the way you chose to think and feel? The truth is ONLY YOU DECIDE HOW YOU
Some of us go through pretty rough times when we are faced with situations in which we have to
engage with others who annoy and frustrate us. We can easily lose track of who we are, and our self
esteem can lower as we struggle with feelings of anger and hostility. It is during these times
visualization can be of a great benefit to us. Here's something you can begin today! Start making
visualization a part of your life. Enjoy it like a hobby and reap the benefits of a greater self esteem
follow this simple example exercise
● Nominate a quiet room where you will not be disturbed, select some nice relaxation music,
use cushions and either sit in lotus position or lie comfortably on your back.
● Take some nice slow deep breaths and close your eyes, as you inhale utter the words peace
and light, as you exhale feel the tension go out of your body
● Now imagine viewing your day on a big movie screen,each part of the day fragmented into
chapters. Picture bright colors. See yourself upon that screen full of calmness and peace.
Imagine that you are smiling as you go to your first destination
● Now still being aware of your breathing, look up at the screen and notice yourself full of
laughter, excitement, and peace of mind
● feel in your body these great feelings of peace of mind, fun, and confidence
● Make the pictures on the movie screen brighter, and the good feelings you have stronger and
● Now imagine, all things throughout your day turning out positive, don't be afraid, see these
positive things happening upon that screen, and feel the joy and greatness of the day
Practice positive visualization daily and reap the benefits of a greater self esteem
begin to build” Robert Collier
Are you aware of the power of your mind and nervous system? Did you know you have the ability
to experience anything you wish to just by visualizing. Well, to start with then, close your eyes and
imagine standing in front of a rose garden, as you look at the roses you can see their vivid colors,
smell their fragrant smells, and feel a summer breeze. So. . . how was that? Did you find the colors
came easily, the fragrance easily, and the feel of the summer breeze quite real? If you did, you have
just proven to yourself that you can create any experience you want by using your own mind. If you
did not find it so easy, do not be disheartened. Visualization is a skill which can be learned by us all,
and gets easier and easier the more we practice it.
It is important to learn to get into relaxed states of consciousness when visualizing. A nice quiet
place in a safe environment is key. Many of us again, have a tendency to visualize on negative
things, which is not good for us, as we immediately experience the feelings and emotions we attach
to those negative things. Some of us wake up in the morning in a state of fear, dread, frustration, or
fatigue. The very thought of a new day can seem like quite a burden. Some of us wish the day had
ended before it began. Ever had that? I know I have had many a waking experience like this. The
Lets think about this for a moment. Can anybody else influence the way you choose to think and
feel? Can your boss decide how you will think and feel? Can your friend? Can your enemy? Can a
Hollywood movie star? I'm going to ask this question in a similar way now: Do you let anybody
else influence the way you chose to think and feel? The truth is ONLY YOU DECIDE HOW YOU
Some of us go through pretty rough times when we are faced with situations in which we have to
engage with others who annoy and frustrate us. We can easily lose track of who we are, and our self
esteem can lower as we struggle with feelings of anger and hostility. It is during these times
visualization can be of a great benefit to us. Here's something you can begin today! Start making
visualization a part of your life. Enjoy it like a hobby and reap the benefits of a greater self esteem
follow this simple example exercise
● Nominate a quiet room where you will not be disturbed, select some nice relaxation music,
use cushions and either sit in lotus position or lie comfortably on your back.
● Take some nice slow deep breaths and close your eyes, as you inhale utter the words peace
and light, as you exhale feel the tension go out of your body
● Now imagine viewing your day on a big movie screen,each part of the day fragmented into
chapters. Picture bright colors. See yourself upon that screen full of calmness and peace.
Imagine that you are smiling as you go to your first destination
● Now still being aware of your breathing, look up at the screen and notice yourself full of
laughter, excitement, and peace of mind
● feel in your body these great feelings of peace of mind, fun, and confidence
● Make the pictures on the movie screen brighter, and the good feelings you have stronger and
● Now imagine, all things throughout your day turning out positive, don't be afraid, see these
positive things happening upon that screen, and feel the joy and greatness of the day
Practice positive visualization daily and reap the benefits of a greater self esteem
Tip 6 Live A Life Of Laughter
“Laughter Is The Best Medicine” Proverb
Laughter has a great impact on our self esteem levels. Some of us move within social circles where
laughter is commonplace. Laughter is undoubtedly healthy and scientists have proven that laughter
is linked to happiness. Dr Robert Holden in his happiness experiment, highlighted that when
combined with exercise, and positive thinking, laughter would create great happiness in people.
How much laughter do you have in your life at present? Are you mixing with people who laugh
lots. Do you watch any television which provides you with the entertainment to lead you toward
laughter. One step you can take right now, is to keep a laughter journal. Please, do consider this as
an active way to improve your self esteem. Carry with you a small note pad and record how many
times a day you laugh. Be your own researcher and act as your own laughter consultant. Do you
have a favorite comedian or comedy actor? If so start to watch more films/programmes with your
favorite comedy sketches on. Do you watch much television at present? If so start to cut out things
which will bring you doom and gloom. Stop watching the news, documentaries based on crime, and
soaps where deceit and hatred are the drama. Instead, explore when you can watch pure comedy
shows which are your preferential choice. With our modern T.V technology, you might even be able
to store your favorites and watch them as you like.
You are an amazing person, and once you come to understand that you can control all aspects of
your life, you will start to notice better levels of self esteem. Control your ability to increase the
amount of fun you have. The more childlike you can be, the more creative you can become.
Children are always laughing, they are innocent to the negative ways of the world. They are seldom
interest in international conflicts, local newspaper headlines which promote fear, or general
negativity. Children can teach adults lots about they way we could improve our lives. Laughter is a
great example of this. Learn to laugh more, and if you think you are a great laugher, then approach
someone else and tell them your secrets. Laughter is an instant vacation from fears and sorrows.
Laughter is universal, it is custom to all nationalities. Laughter brings us hope and happiness.
Do not attempt the following exercise if you have a heart condition!
Here's an exercise you can try, to help get you in the habit of laughing more:
● Forced laughter tricks the mind into real laughter from the heart, so start now to force a
chuckle using the following: ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho. And again he he he he he he he he
● Don't feel silly but continue each ho an he 8 times per breath:ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho then
he he he he he he he he
● Now give it some more well really go to town bring it up from the tummy: ho ho ho ho ho
ho ho ho and again really power it he he he he he he he he
● Continue this for five minutes and notice how real laughter will follow each time. This is
actually good for you and can influence better sleeping patterns
● While you may feel silly, practice this exercise regularly when you are alone, or with a good
friend/partner who you will not feel silly with.
● Learn to laugh passionately and from the heart
Make laughter a hobby, remember that forced laughter tricks the mind into activating real hearty
laughter which is good for the soul “Laugh And The World Laughs With You” and you gain great
self esteem.
Laughter has a great impact on our self esteem levels. Some of us move within social circles where
laughter is commonplace. Laughter is undoubtedly healthy and scientists have proven that laughter
is linked to happiness. Dr Robert Holden in his happiness experiment, highlighted that when
combined with exercise, and positive thinking, laughter would create great happiness in people.
How much laughter do you have in your life at present? Are you mixing with people who laugh
lots. Do you watch any television which provides you with the entertainment to lead you toward
laughter. One step you can take right now, is to keep a laughter journal. Please, do consider this as
an active way to improve your self esteem. Carry with you a small note pad and record how many
times a day you laugh. Be your own researcher and act as your own laughter consultant. Do you
have a favorite comedian or comedy actor? If so start to watch more films/programmes with your
favorite comedy sketches on. Do you watch much television at present? If so start to cut out things
which will bring you doom and gloom. Stop watching the news, documentaries based on crime, and
soaps where deceit and hatred are the drama. Instead, explore when you can watch pure comedy
shows which are your preferential choice. With our modern T.V technology, you might even be able
to store your favorites and watch them as you like.
You are an amazing person, and once you come to understand that you can control all aspects of
your life, you will start to notice better levels of self esteem. Control your ability to increase the
amount of fun you have. The more childlike you can be, the more creative you can become.
Children are always laughing, they are innocent to the negative ways of the world. They are seldom
interest in international conflicts, local newspaper headlines which promote fear, or general
negativity. Children can teach adults lots about they way we could improve our lives. Laughter is a
great example of this. Learn to laugh more, and if you think you are a great laugher, then approach
someone else and tell them your secrets. Laughter is an instant vacation from fears and sorrows.
Laughter is universal, it is custom to all nationalities. Laughter brings us hope and happiness.
Do not attempt the following exercise if you have a heart condition!
Here's an exercise you can try, to help get you in the habit of laughing more:
● Forced laughter tricks the mind into real laughter from the heart, so start now to force a
chuckle using the following: ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho. And again he he he he he he he he
● Don't feel silly but continue each ho an he 8 times per breath:ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho then
he he he he he he he he
● Now give it some more well really go to town bring it up from the tummy: ho ho ho ho ho
ho ho ho and again really power it he he he he he he he he
● Continue this for five minutes and notice how real laughter will follow each time. This is
actually good for you and can influence better sleeping patterns
● While you may feel silly, practice this exercise regularly when you are alone, or with a good
friend/partner who you will not feel silly with.
● Learn to laugh passionately and from the heart
Make laughter a hobby, remember that forced laughter tricks the mind into activating real hearty
laughter which is good for the soul “Laugh And The World Laughs With You” and you gain great
self esteem.
Tip7 Become Your Own Best Friend “Love yourself
first and everything falls into line” Lucille Ball
How much do you like yourself at the moment? Find a quiet place and ask yourself this question
and see what answers you immediately come up with. Now, building on that question how much do
you love yourself? Daft as it may sound, these two questions will provide you with relevant answers
as to the measure of self esteem you are experiencing in your life at present.
Some of us are not clear what love is, and we all have our own definition of the meaning of love.
Many of us find it easy to love others, but, due to unresolved inner conflicts, we struggle to love
ourselves. There has been much debate over the true meaning of loving oneself. Some of us who
struggle with the idea of putting ourselves first, take on the role of martyr, doing everything we can
to please others, but ending up feeling burnt out and frustrated. In contrast, some of us find it very
difficult to empathize with anyone else, and due to our own fears and insecurities we go out of our
way to only please ourselves.
The best way toward great self esteem is to treat yourself as your own best friend. This does not
mean that you lack in the capacity of offering love, humility, and compassion to others. No, it
means that you learn to love yourself so much, that this abundance of love pours out to friends,
family, colleagues, and strangers.
In order to love yourself more from this very moment you need to understand a basic truth: YOU
I'm not just making this up, this stuff is real whether you like it or not. I'm sure many of you reading
this will know straight away about the great talents you have been blessed with. So, given that you
are amazing (And you are. . . You really are), start today to give yourself the love and appreciation
you deserve. Become your own best friend. A true best friend will defend you when you are unfairly
criticized by others, they will forgive you when you make mistakes, they will celebrate your
successes, and ease your burden when you cry. This is what you need to do for yourself.
Forgive yourself, again, and, again, and again, if you are critical of yourself or feeling guilty be
aware of this. Try and immediately create a thought which is not self blaming. If you have let
yourself down in someway, forgive yourself and draw a line under it. Guilt provides us with a
lesson from which we can learn to adjust. Think about times you have forgiven others, the power
that this forgiveness had on that other person and yourself. Think of yourself from this moment
forward as your own best friend. Encourage your friend to try new things, defend your friend from
the undue criticisms of others. Use your subconscious mind (see Tip 1) to start using positive
dialog with yourself. Heres an exercise you can use to start liking yourself more:
● Fix an appointment with yourself which cannot be broken, your best friend(yourself) is
counting on you to attend . Write the appointment down and stick to it under all costs
● Plan what the appointment is going to be, something which will be good for you, which you
can enjoy soberly and do alone. Pamper yourself, take a swim, or visit the cinema, walk in
some nice landscape, anything which feels healthy and good to you!
● Learn to enjoy your own company, talk to yourself (in your head, you might feel silly doing
it out loud) and use appreciative dialog
● Relax Relax Relax, enjoy every moment of this appointment with yourself and be aware of
your inner voice, a voice which likes and loves you.
● Feel the benefits of having piece of mind, be aware of how you can benefit others through
your grounded reliance in yourself
A great way to self esteem is buy becoming your own best friend. Learn the art of discipline, by
working at knowing yourself better and better.
first and everything falls into line” Lucille Ball
How much do you like yourself at the moment? Find a quiet place and ask yourself this question
and see what answers you immediately come up with. Now, building on that question how much do
you love yourself? Daft as it may sound, these two questions will provide you with relevant answers
as to the measure of self esteem you are experiencing in your life at present.
Some of us are not clear what love is, and we all have our own definition of the meaning of love.
Many of us find it easy to love others, but, due to unresolved inner conflicts, we struggle to love
ourselves. There has been much debate over the true meaning of loving oneself. Some of us who
struggle with the idea of putting ourselves first, take on the role of martyr, doing everything we can
to please others, but ending up feeling burnt out and frustrated. In contrast, some of us find it very
difficult to empathize with anyone else, and due to our own fears and insecurities we go out of our
way to only please ourselves.
The best way toward great self esteem is to treat yourself as your own best friend. This does not
mean that you lack in the capacity of offering love, humility, and compassion to others. No, it
means that you learn to love yourself so much, that this abundance of love pours out to friends,
family, colleagues, and strangers.
In order to love yourself more from this very moment you need to understand a basic truth: YOU
I'm not just making this up, this stuff is real whether you like it or not. I'm sure many of you reading
this will know straight away about the great talents you have been blessed with. So, given that you
are amazing (And you are. . . You really are), start today to give yourself the love and appreciation
you deserve. Become your own best friend. A true best friend will defend you when you are unfairly
criticized by others, they will forgive you when you make mistakes, they will celebrate your
successes, and ease your burden when you cry. This is what you need to do for yourself.
Forgive yourself, again, and, again, and again, if you are critical of yourself or feeling guilty be
aware of this. Try and immediately create a thought which is not self blaming. If you have let
yourself down in someway, forgive yourself and draw a line under it. Guilt provides us with a
lesson from which we can learn to adjust. Think about times you have forgiven others, the power
that this forgiveness had on that other person and yourself. Think of yourself from this moment
forward as your own best friend. Encourage your friend to try new things, defend your friend from
the undue criticisms of others. Use your subconscious mind (see Tip 1) to start using positive
dialog with yourself. Heres an exercise you can use to start liking yourself more:
● Fix an appointment with yourself which cannot be broken, your best friend(yourself) is
counting on you to attend . Write the appointment down and stick to it under all costs
● Plan what the appointment is going to be, something which will be good for you, which you
can enjoy soberly and do alone. Pamper yourself, take a swim, or visit the cinema, walk in
some nice landscape, anything which feels healthy and good to you!
● Learn to enjoy your own company, talk to yourself (in your head, you might feel silly doing
it out loud) and use appreciative dialog
● Relax Relax Relax, enjoy every moment of this appointment with yourself and be aware of
your inner voice, a voice which likes and loves you.
● Feel the benefits of having piece of mind, be aware of how you can benefit others through
your grounded reliance in yourself
A great way to self esteem is buy becoming your own best friend. Learn the art of discipline, by
working at knowing yourself better and better.
Tip 8 Live In The Present,
There Is Nowhere
Else “The ability to be in the present moment is a major component of mental wellness”
Abraham Maslow
Whether we like it or not, much if not all, of our unhealthy thoughts and feelings which lead to low
self esteem, are based on past and future events. Regrets from the past bring guilt in the present,
guilt in the present lays a foundation for inner turmoil and anxiety about tomorrow. Many of us are
that inclined to dwell on the unpleasant experiences of the past, that we attempt to predict our future
in negative ways. What follows is a constant stream of unrest, irritability, and fear which paves the
way for a general sense of unhappiness and lower self esteem.
Many Of us in this western culture, have been conditioned into believing that joy and happiness are
out there, under the condition of various things. We say things like “I'l be fine in a weeks time when
I go on holiday”, or, “Can't wait until next year when Fred comes home”, or “Can't wait until the
weekend” or “Everything will be fine when I get promotion”. The list goes on, we have this habit of
believing happiness is out there when certain conditions are met.
Your present experience is full of beauty and can be so much more enjoyed and appreciated, If you
would stop, and really come to know it. The true joy available to you in each moment can be greatly
appreciated through all of your senses including smell, touch, sight, hearing, and taste. Many of us
find the comprehension of the present moment something difficult to know, because we are
unfortunate enough to be overwhelmed by our past or future.
You have within you, the amazing capacity to find greater self esteem by merely being present in
this moment. Here is something you can do right now to appreciate the present. Sit in a comfortable
position wherever you may be. Relax your feet on the floor and your hands on your lap. Relax your
shoulders down and take some nice relaxing breaths. Now, with your ears be aware of all the sounds
going on around you. Notice every sound but try not to analyze what you hear. Relax your eyes and
be aware of any colors you might experience behind your eyelids. Become aware of the beating of
your heart and the constant flow of energy circulating around your body. By simply focusing on the
base of your tummy and your breathing, you might find a greater awareness of the current moment.
Learn that the future or the past is of no immediate threat to you. You can be free from these
burdens by simply being more aware of what is going on 'now'.
Heres another exercise you can do to help you live in the moment
● Next time you have a mundane task to do like washing the dishes, focus your attention on
your surrounding environment. Be aware of the feeling of your hands in the water
● As you clean each item, look closely at it, listen to the sound of the water, the scrubbing
motion, the different colored bubbles, the 'squeaking and squelching' of the crockery
● Generally become fascinated by the shape and feel of each pot, listen closely to the different
sounds coming from the murky waters
● Look at every minor detail, the smallest soap sud through to the ripples in the washing up
● Be aware of how you are feeling, what posture you are standing in, the speed of your
breathing, the beating of your heart
● Begin to develop an attitude of utter amazement at anything you wish to focus upon
Remember, learning to be content and at peace in the present will determine a happier outcome,
regardless of whatever lies ahead. Worry is a problem of it's own and can not add or take away from
unwanted experiences. Be free and learn to live joyously this very moment.
Else “The ability to be in the present moment is a major component of mental wellness”
Abraham Maslow
Whether we like it or not, much if not all, of our unhealthy thoughts and feelings which lead to low
self esteem, are based on past and future events. Regrets from the past bring guilt in the present,
guilt in the present lays a foundation for inner turmoil and anxiety about tomorrow. Many of us are
that inclined to dwell on the unpleasant experiences of the past, that we attempt to predict our future
in negative ways. What follows is a constant stream of unrest, irritability, and fear which paves the
way for a general sense of unhappiness and lower self esteem.
Many Of us in this western culture, have been conditioned into believing that joy and happiness are
out there, under the condition of various things. We say things like “I'l be fine in a weeks time when
I go on holiday”, or, “Can't wait until next year when Fred comes home”, or “Can't wait until the
weekend” or “Everything will be fine when I get promotion”. The list goes on, we have this habit of
believing happiness is out there when certain conditions are met.
Your present experience is full of beauty and can be so much more enjoyed and appreciated, If you
would stop, and really come to know it. The true joy available to you in each moment can be greatly
appreciated through all of your senses including smell, touch, sight, hearing, and taste. Many of us
find the comprehension of the present moment something difficult to know, because we are
unfortunate enough to be overwhelmed by our past or future.
You have within you, the amazing capacity to find greater self esteem by merely being present in
this moment. Here is something you can do right now to appreciate the present. Sit in a comfortable
position wherever you may be. Relax your feet on the floor and your hands on your lap. Relax your
shoulders down and take some nice relaxing breaths. Now, with your ears be aware of all the sounds
going on around you. Notice every sound but try not to analyze what you hear. Relax your eyes and
be aware of any colors you might experience behind your eyelids. Become aware of the beating of
your heart and the constant flow of energy circulating around your body. By simply focusing on the
base of your tummy and your breathing, you might find a greater awareness of the current moment.
Learn that the future or the past is of no immediate threat to you. You can be free from these
burdens by simply being more aware of what is going on 'now'.
Heres another exercise you can do to help you live in the moment
● Next time you have a mundane task to do like washing the dishes, focus your attention on
your surrounding environment. Be aware of the feeling of your hands in the water
● As you clean each item, look closely at it, listen to the sound of the water, the scrubbing
motion, the different colored bubbles, the 'squeaking and squelching' of the crockery
● Generally become fascinated by the shape and feel of each pot, listen closely to the different
sounds coming from the murky waters
● Look at every minor detail, the smallest soap sud through to the ripples in the washing up
● Be aware of how you are feeling, what posture you are standing in, the speed of your
breathing, the beating of your heart
● Begin to develop an attitude of utter amazement at anything you wish to focus upon
Remember, learning to be content and at peace in the present will determine a happier outcome,
regardless of whatever lies ahead. Worry is a problem of it's own and can not add or take away from
unwanted experiences. Be free and learn to live joyously this very moment.
Tip 9 Develop The Skill Of Empathy
“Tenderness and
kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but manifestations of strength and resolution”
Kahlil Gibran.
The ability to empathize with others will have a profound effect on your self esteem levels. Not
only will a greater level of empathy have a great bearing on your communication skills, but also,
you will tap in to a greater form of self awareness which is good for your body and mind. Being
empathic does not mean that we aim to get embroiled in everyone else's problems. Some of us have
tried this and we end up feeling burnt out. No, being empathic means standing by someone,
exploring their own world with them for a moment or two, and clarifying that you have understood
them or not. It is a desire to really hear and understand someone else.
Many of us have no idea of what empathy is. When in conversation with someone else, we
merely wait for them to shut up so we can then get our own point across. The problem with
this, is that other people sense that we are not listening to them, and conclude that we are not
open to other ideas. If we are not open to other ideas and will not listen to others, we could
be perceived as being selfish, arrogant, narrow minded, and generally not pleasant to be
around. Empathy is a skill which will immediately build your credibility among others.
Empathy belongs to a family known as 'emotional intelligence' and is a great tool in building
and maintaining long lasting relationships both in and out of the home. In fact, if empathy is
at the core of every intervention you have with other people, you will improve your self
esteem greatly.The main key to empathy is to pay attention to what people say linguistically,
and bodily. We talk with our bodies more than we do with our words, so when engaging
with another person pay attention to their posture, and their verbal and bodily expression. It
is important to demonstrate to the other person that you are really listening to them . We do
this verbally by paraphrasing the other person. The following is an example of paraphrasing,
you can try this out when talking to friends Friend says: “ I'm out of my depth with Ted, he
just patronizes me all the time, I hate the way he makes me feel small, and that damned
irritating expression on his face when he belittles me is repulsive” you reply: “ Right, I sense
you're finding it difficult with Ted at the moment, he's really giving you bad feeling”. This
is a simple example of an empathic response. Next time you are engaging with someone get
into the habit of paraphrasing. Do not over do it, but try to get into the habit of really
listening to the other person and paraphrase occasionally as best you can.
Here's an exercise you can try to improve your empathic skill
● Next time you talk to someone face to face, be aware of their posture. Notice the movement
of their hands, the speed of their speech, and tone of their voice
● Try to maintain a good level of eye contact, and while you do take nice slow relaxing
● Paraphrase the person by calmly reflecting what they have said
● Sense what the person is saying with their body, if they display tension in their hands, face,
or posture be aware
● If the person asks your opinion on a matter, depending on how well you know them, gently
touch them on the shoulder by giving your own view
● Practice this daily and you will improve greatly at the art of empathy
● REMEMBER, the more you practice the better at it you will become, do not beat yourself
up if you find it difficult to start with.
kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but manifestations of strength and resolution”
Kahlil Gibran.
The ability to empathize with others will have a profound effect on your self esteem levels. Not
only will a greater level of empathy have a great bearing on your communication skills, but also,
you will tap in to a greater form of self awareness which is good for your body and mind. Being
empathic does not mean that we aim to get embroiled in everyone else's problems. Some of us have
tried this and we end up feeling burnt out. No, being empathic means standing by someone,
exploring their own world with them for a moment or two, and clarifying that you have understood
them or not. It is a desire to really hear and understand someone else.
Many of us have no idea of what empathy is. When in conversation with someone else, we
merely wait for them to shut up so we can then get our own point across. The problem with
this, is that other people sense that we are not listening to them, and conclude that we are not
open to other ideas. If we are not open to other ideas and will not listen to others, we could
be perceived as being selfish, arrogant, narrow minded, and generally not pleasant to be
around. Empathy is a skill which will immediately build your credibility among others.
Empathy belongs to a family known as 'emotional intelligence' and is a great tool in building
and maintaining long lasting relationships both in and out of the home. In fact, if empathy is
at the core of every intervention you have with other people, you will improve your self
esteem greatly.The main key to empathy is to pay attention to what people say linguistically,
and bodily. We talk with our bodies more than we do with our words, so when engaging
with another person pay attention to their posture, and their verbal and bodily expression. It
is important to demonstrate to the other person that you are really listening to them . We do
this verbally by paraphrasing the other person. The following is an example of paraphrasing,
you can try this out when talking to friends Friend says: “ I'm out of my depth with Ted, he
just patronizes me all the time, I hate the way he makes me feel small, and that damned
irritating expression on his face when he belittles me is repulsive” you reply: “ Right, I sense
you're finding it difficult with Ted at the moment, he's really giving you bad feeling”. This
is a simple example of an empathic response. Next time you are engaging with someone get
into the habit of paraphrasing. Do not over do it, but try to get into the habit of really
listening to the other person and paraphrase occasionally as best you can.
Here's an exercise you can try to improve your empathic skill
● Next time you talk to someone face to face, be aware of their posture. Notice the movement
of their hands, the speed of their speech, and tone of their voice
● Try to maintain a good level of eye contact, and while you do take nice slow relaxing
● Paraphrase the person by calmly reflecting what they have said
● Sense what the person is saying with their body, if they display tension in their hands, face,
or posture be aware
● If the person asks your opinion on a matter, depending on how well you know them, gently
touch them on the shoulder by giving your own view
● Practice this daily and you will improve greatly at the art of empathy
● REMEMBER, the more you practice the better at it you will become, do not beat yourself
up if you find it difficult to start with.
Tip 10 Accept All Compliments With Thanks
“A compliment is verbal sunshine” Robert Orben.
How well do you accept compliments? Think hard for a few moments and be as honest as you can
be. When was the last time someone paid you a good compliment? Depending on your ability to
accept compliments, will depend on how often you notice them going on. Some of us find it very
easy to compliment other people, and carry on through life putting others on wonderful elaborate
pedestals. While many people are very gifted and highly talented and skilled, they do not always
have the measure of self esteem to really appreciate themselves. In Britain there has over the
centuries been a custom to not be 'boastful' of one's abilities. The Christian tradition and perception
of the bible has often been misinterpreted, leading people to believe that they must be humble,
meek, and under hardship in order to gain God's blessing. However, these teachings have been
internalized by many in negative ways, so that a general sense of not appreciating or liking oneself
has followed.
When you get in the habit of complimenting yourself for the good things you do, you will find it
easier to accept the compliments of others. I saw a news story recently, where a brave man jumped
into a river in the winter time to save a young child who had fallen in the water. When interviewed
the reporter commented on the man as being heroic and bold, to which the man replied “Oh it was
nothing, anyone would have done the same”. The fact is, not many would have done the same, and
this man's bravery saved a child's life. It seemed as though this man had an internal belief that
suggested to him he did not want to be credited, or praised by others regardless of his bravery.
There is a big difference between 'showing off' and accepting a compliment.
Ladies particularly, find it difficult to accept a compliment about their beauty and good looks. I told
a lady colleague that her hair looked nice once, to which she replied “Yeah Right, Pull The other
One” she obviously found the compliment uncomfortable, yet it was meant sincerely. IF
By saying thank you, you are taking ownership of the compliment and accepting it as truth.
We humans have a very unusual tendency of grabbing hold of negative things and clinging on to
them as much as we can. While conversely, when positive things come our way we dismiss them
straight away. Try to cling to positives instead of negatives. If someone insults you, try to forget it
straight away. If someone compliments you, thank them for it and remind yourself of the
compliment again and again and again and again.
Here's an exercise you can try to improve your responses to compliments.
● Pay ten compliments a day to different people and watch their response to it, make sure the
compliments are genuine, No point complimenting for the sake of it
● Watch the responses of these people, their verbal expression and body language will be a
key indicator of their response.
● Notice how you feel as a result of their response, how do you feel when they are thankful?
How do you feel when they are dismissive or awkward?
● Now. . . think carefully about how you will respond to future compliments.
Self esteem is something you can improve in others by offering general compliments, by doing this
you will also boost your own positive feelings. Always make sure you are specific about the
compliment for example “I like your new hair style, the colors, and shape are beautiful”
Remember when someone feels awkward with the compliment, it has an impact on the person who
made it. So, be sure to accept all compliments with thanks.
How well do you accept compliments? Think hard for a few moments and be as honest as you can
be. When was the last time someone paid you a good compliment? Depending on your ability to
accept compliments, will depend on how often you notice them going on. Some of us find it very
easy to compliment other people, and carry on through life putting others on wonderful elaborate
pedestals. While many people are very gifted and highly talented and skilled, they do not always
have the measure of self esteem to really appreciate themselves. In Britain there has over the
centuries been a custom to not be 'boastful' of one's abilities. The Christian tradition and perception
of the bible has often been misinterpreted, leading people to believe that they must be humble,
meek, and under hardship in order to gain God's blessing. However, these teachings have been
internalized by many in negative ways, so that a general sense of not appreciating or liking oneself
has followed.
When you get in the habit of complimenting yourself for the good things you do, you will find it
easier to accept the compliments of others. I saw a news story recently, where a brave man jumped
into a river in the winter time to save a young child who had fallen in the water. When interviewed
the reporter commented on the man as being heroic and bold, to which the man replied “Oh it was
nothing, anyone would have done the same”. The fact is, not many would have done the same, and
this man's bravery saved a child's life. It seemed as though this man had an internal belief that
suggested to him he did not want to be credited, or praised by others regardless of his bravery.
There is a big difference between 'showing off' and accepting a compliment.
Ladies particularly, find it difficult to accept a compliment about their beauty and good looks. I told
a lady colleague that her hair looked nice once, to which she replied “Yeah Right, Pull The other
One” she obviously found the compliment uncomfortable, yet it was meant sincerely. IF
By saying thank you, you are taking ownership of the compliment and accepting it as truth.
We humans have a very unusual tendency of grabbing hold of negative things and clinging on to
them as much as we can. While conversely, when positive things come our way we dismiss them
straight away. Try to cling to positives instead of negatives. If someone insults you, try to forget it
straight away. If someone compliments you, thank them for it and remind yourself of the
compliment again and again and again and again.
Here's an exercise you can try to improve your responses to compliments.
● Pay ten compliments a day to different people and watch their response to it, make sure the
compliments are genuine, No point complimenting for the sake of it
● Watch the responses of these people, their verbal expression and body language will be a
key indicator of their response.
● Notice how you feel as a result of their response, how do you feel when they are thankful?
How do you feel when they are dismissive or awkward?
● Now. . . think carefully about how you will respond to future compliments.
Self esteem is something you can improve in others by offering general compliments, by doing this
you will also boost your own positive feelings. Always make sure you are specific about the
compliment for example “I like your new hair style, the colors, and shape are beautiful”
Remember when someone feels awkward with the compliment, it has an impact on the person who
made it. So, be sure to accept all compliments with thanks.
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